Friday, September 21, 2012

Week 3

Deforestation has many negative effects on our planet. It causes climate change and loss of habitats for millions of species. It also damages the quality of the land. Deforestation is mainly caused because of agriculture. The land is being used for planting crops or raising livestock. Forests are also cut down for money or people's need to provide for their families. Loggers go out into the forest and cut down trees and many times illegally. At this rate rain forests could be completely gone in a hundreds of years because of humans actions in the forests.

This graph shows the global deforestation in many countries and how much deforestation is really happening in our world.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 2

The topic I am most looking forward to is cells. I am looking forward to learning about them more because I find them interesting to learn about.
The topic I am least looking forward to learning about is molecular genetics. I am not looking forward to it because I find it kind of hard to learn about and a little boring. But all in all I am looking forward to learning more about biology in this class and hope to get a lot out of it.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week 1

My name is Lexy Jacobson. I play volleyball and I run track. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I have an older brother, a yonger sister, and two younger brothers. I have a goldendoodle and hamster currently living with my family. My favorite sport to watch is baseball, but volleyball is definitely my favorite to play. I like to spend most of my summers at my aunts house on Bostwick Lake in Rockford. I like to go tubing, swimming, jet ski riding, and pontune boat riding. My dream is to attend Michigan State University next fall and as a career I would love to become a pediatrician.

I am taking this course because I want  to further my knowledge in biology to better prepare myself for college. In college I hope to study more biology so hopefully this course gives me more background in this study. 

I hope to get knowledge from this course that I can use later on in my college education. I also hope this class pushes me to really try hard in my work and take pride in it to prepare me for college next year.