Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dear Future Students

Dear future AP Biology students,
If I could give you one piece of advice for taking Ap Bio, it would be to work hard. Make sure to study well and put time and effort into the class. I myself did not put too much effort into this class, and I wish I would have put in a lot more. I feel like I could have done much better, but that is my own fault. I would suggest doing the extra credit reading guides to not only get extra credit or doing them, but also to read the chapters and develop your knowledge of the information further.

I hope you enjoy the class. I personally did! Good luck!
Lexy Jacobson

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lexy,
    These are some great ideas. I'm not taking Ap Biology but I could use these for other classes. I will remember to work hard in classes as well.
