Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 8

I have definitely been challenged in this class so far. I was expecting it to be a little hard for me and it has. I have been doing the work, but when it comes to the tests we've had so far, I have had a little bit of trouble. I am hoping to do better on the tests to come though.

I have been having fun, however. The topics we discuss are interesting and the labs have been helpful. I really enjoyed a lab we did dealing with evolution of butterflies. We had little circles of colored paper-blue, orange, green, brown, and white. We took a piece of fabric with the design of a jungle on it. One partner placed the pieces of paper randomly on the fabric while the other partner turned around. After the pieces were placed, the partner that was turned around looks at the fabric and picks the first piece of paper they see and place it off to the side. They continue to do so nine more times. After the trial is completed the pieces that are left "reproduce" one offspring and do another trial with the pieces that are left. The group continues to do that for 5 more generations. I thought that lab helped me learn the basics of evolution and natural selection. I thought it was a great lab and I hope our teacher continues to do it.

All-in-all the class has been a good experieince so far. I hope I can improve my test scores and receive a better grade in the class by working hard, and completing all my assignments.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week 6

"Strengthening a billion-dollar gene in soybeans"

Soybean cyst nemotode (SCN) does hundreds of millions of damage each and every year. A couple of crop sciences researchers believe they have found a possible way to strengthen plant resistance. They have studied a spot on chromosome 18 called Rhg1, which is the spot most known for the source of SCN resistance. Most of the SCN-resistant soybeans in the midwest contain Rhg1. One of the researchers wanted to find out what the DNA sequence was that was resistant. The researchers used a process called fine mapping to narrow down the genes as to which one it could be. They discovered that a group of four genes had been replicated several times. They used a program that allowed them to count the number of genes in a row. The researchers artifically increased the expression rates of three of the genes together on the roots of the soybeans, and could replicate the resistance effect. Usually in multicellular organisms, it is strange to have several genes next to each other that control the same traits.


Week 5

Here at Sparta High School, we do homecoming in an extraordinary way. Throughout the week of homecoming each day we have a theme to dress up. This year's themes were sports day, formal wear, western wear, favorite musical character, and on the day of homecoming, each class wears the color they are assigned. On homecoming day, the candidates for homecoming king and queen give a speech asking people for their votes. After the speeches it is all fun and games. Each grade competes for "The Red Apple" prize given away at the football game that night. Every  grade works with their fellow classmates to win that desired prize. The seniors usually end up winning becasue they are more expereienced than everyone else. Another fun part of the day is the mock rock dance. Each grade puts on a dance to the theme of homecoming that year. All-in-all it is a very fun day for everyone. It brings classes closer together, and it allows us to show some Sparta High School pride!

I came to Sparta High School my sophomore year, and I had no idea that homecoming was this big here. At my old school we did do dress up days the week of, but we did not get to play all the games. I remember the day of homecoming going to class like every other day but being released an hour or so early to listen to the seniors speeches. My favorite part of Sparta is homecoming. I have so much fun playing the games and doing mock rock. I think it is such a neat idea and I hope Sparta continues doing it for years to come.