Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 8

I have definitely been challenged in this class so far. I was expecting it to be a little hard for me and it has. I have been doing the work, but when it comes to the tests we've had so far, I have had a little bit of trouble. I am hoping to do better on the tests to come though.

I have been having fun, however. The topics we discuss are interesting and the labs have been helpful. I really enjoyed a lab we did dealing with evolution of butterflies. We had little circles of colored paper-blue, orange, green, brown, and white. We took a piece of fabric with the design of a jungle on it. One partner placed the pieces of paper randomly on the fabric while the other partner turned around. After the pieces were placed, the partner that was turned around looks at the fabric and picks the first piece of paper they see and place it off to the side. They continue to do so nine more times. After the trial is completed the pieces that are left "reproduce" one offspring and do another trial with the pieces that are left. The group continues to do that for 5 more generations. I thought that lab helped me learn the basics of evolution and natural selection. I thought it was a great lab and I hope our teacher continues to do it.

All-in-all the class has been a good experieince so far. I hope I can improve my test scores and receive a better grade in the class by working hard, and completing all my assignments.

1 comment:

  1. I can really relate to this, I really didn't do well on our last test. It shocked me, I thought the test itself was easy, but apparently I was in the wrong. Don't worry, if you work hard, you will persevere. :)
